So in a last ditch effort, I created this monster. It's supposed to be something like a public diary. But lets face it, only a few of us are actually capable of keeping diaries, and those of us who can be faithful to them, are highly jealous and overprotective. Which in that case, I'm going to put forth a disclaimer. I am not consistent. I do not expect to impose greatness of words into this. I merely have more time on my hands and as a would be artist, I feel the need to expand.
If there is one thing that I have learned in this new country of mine, it's that I have chosen to be here, and it is becoming my new home. Not to say that California is no longer my beloved, but my heart is having to open, to share some space and to widen for La Villa, Argentina. This new space that has taken up residence inside me physically hurts. The new food, the new culture, language and people especially, are forcing their way into an already full being. This expansion has not been fulfilling, but more like growing pains. And some might say its leaving its reckless marks, stretch marks if you will. Be as that may, how wonderful is it to say that I have twice the amount of everything in my life. I have not one, but two homes. I have two countries, two schools, a pair of most everything. So when I say there is no place like home, well there isn't. But then again, there is no place like this space that I am in now, either. So welcome, to my own personal space. This insane in-between that I am currently half-living.
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